Wednesday, April 20, 2011

How To End An Affair - 6 Essential Steps To End An Affair

Ending a relationship, even an illicit one, can be a very stressful situation. Not just for the soon to be ex lovers but for the aggrieved spouse as well. How you end the affair will be the basis of rebuilding trust with your spouse. By following the steps below you will be able to end your affair and move on to re building your partners trust as well as your marriage.

The 6 Essential Steps To End An Affair

1. Set the tone of conversation,you should be businesslike and to the point. Do not slip into familiarity, you may even have to be cold to them if that's what it takes to get the breakup done.

2. Be clear when actually breaking up. Leave no doubt in your lovers mind that the affair is over. Tell them this is the last time you will be communicating in any way what so ever. Make sure they understand you are determined to end the relationship.

3.Don't answer questions from your ex lover about why you want to save your marriage or why you prefer to be with your spouse. You've made the decision you don't have to explain yourself.

4. Set boundaries for any possible future encounter. Tell your ex that you will not be acknowledging them if you meet in public, if you work together let them know there will be no private conversations, no shared break times or any other connection outside of work related conversation.

5. Be prepared for whenever you might encounter your ex lover, especially in public. If you are with your spouse and you have been honest with them about the affair tell them immediately, then go about your business. If you made it clear when breaking up that you would not be engaging them any more then your ex won't be surprised at the snub.

6. Remove yourself from situations that would bring you in contact with your ex. That may mean dropping out of a social club or group, it may also mean changing phone numbers and email addresses. This may seem extreme and it will most likely be inconvenient but sometimes these are the measures you need to take to protect your renewed marital relationship.

Hopefully these guidelines will help get you through the emotionally challenging process of ending your affair and moving ahead with a renewed commitment to your spouse.


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