Cheating isn't only something that happens to a man and a woman. The entire family is impacted by cheating - even if they don't even know WHAT has happened. The fact remains that something has happened and all is not exactly well at home. Now you are left to not only pick up the pieces of your marriage but also to try to figure out how to put your family back together after cheating has ripped you all apart.
Are YOU ready for the challenge?
Think it's something that's too big to accomplish? Your family is the one thing in this world that should be worth taking a big risk like that. So what are you waiting for?
The first thing you're going to have to do is make things right with your spouse. This may take a little time but it can be done. You can't expect overnight miracles but part of the problems with your family will be resolved when everyone feels confident that mom and dad are going to be OK.
Keep in mind, your kids are smart people. They observe a lot. You don't have to tell them something is wrong in order for them to pick up on it. You also don't have to tell them it's going to be OK for them to start to feel as if it will. BUT, telling them that everything is going to be OK will reassure them in a HUGE way at a time when they feel like their world is starting to come apart. This is about making them feel better and not so much about making you feel better.
The next thing you need to do is make sure to spend quality time alone with each and every one of your children. They need this time and it may have been a while since they've had it. If you had a long-term affair, the odds are good that you made excuses not to spend time with the family. Your kids need to make up for lost time.
Quite frankly, you need that time with them as well. You need a chance to remember WHY these great people are some of your favorite people in the world.
Take in a ball game with your teen. Spend an afternoon at the arcade in a giant death match against the mutants with your pre-teen. Sacrifice a little of your dignity by having high tea with your favorite six year old little girl, Mr. Ted E. Bear, and his wild band of stuffed animal consorts. You might accidentally catch yourself having a blast and your children will thaw considerably as a result.
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