Friday, April 22, 2011

How to Find the Perfect Gift for Your Husband After Cheating on Him

After cheating on your husband, finding the perfect gift for your husband can consume your every waking moment. Many women understand just how important giving the perfect gift can be for making a man FEEL loved by them. That is why it is so important to women like this to find the perfect gift.

The thing is; that for the most part, women are more inclined to feel loved over material gifts. Men who speak this particular "love language" are much better able to feel loved by grand gestures rather than grand gifts that generally only serve to strain finances and relations in the end.

Here are a few great tips to consider when it comes to finding the perfect gift for your husband after you've been caught cheating on him.

Flattery Will Take You Places

Believe it or not, there are few things in the world he wants to feel more than he wants to feel as though he has impressed you and has your respect. Flattering him shamelessly is one of the best tools you have in your arsenal to show him just how impressed by him you really are.

Most women are shocked and amazed by how well flattery works at a time like this but the gift of your words lifting him up really is all he needs. Sometimes, it's even all he really wants from you too.

Affectionate Gestures

Your husband also loves to be affectionate with you. He likes it when you kiss, cuddle, snuggle, hold hands, and other small gestures. They mean the world to him. More importantly, in this situation, he needs the reassurances that your affection can give him.

Most men aren't the "needy" type. They aren't going to ask you to give them what they need - even though it would make your job so much easier. But the one thing your husband needs from you is to know that you find him attractive and want to be physical with him.

Tell Him How You Really Feel

The best gift you can give him by far is the security that you know he is the best man. Don't offer any qualifications. Sometimes it takes another man for you to realize that your grass really is the greenest by far. It's time to let him know what you've already figured out. It will make him feel more confident of his place in your heart and mind. That is a gift for him that is better than the latest big screen television on the market.

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Identifying Unfaithfulness In A Relationship

As a beginning point in this article it needs to be understood that arriving at the wrong conclusions about infidelity can terribly wound or destroy a relationship. You must take in the whole of the information you need before you say or do anything foolish. An instinct has to be confirmed by solid facts, so study the rest of the article. You can quickly make a list of the likely indications of adultery under four or five headings, but the list isn't exhaustive.

They all of a sudden are looking for more sex or they don't want you at all. A sign of infidelity might be that your husband or wife asks you to keep the light on throughout the time you are trying to get them excited, or any other peculiarity. If you have always had sex consistently and your spouse regularly appears to have a headache nowadays, you need to beware.

Your unfaithful boyfriend or girlfriend could possibly employ the dining room telephone or a cellphone to talk to their flame A cell phone account serves to confirm the most frequently rung numbers to confirm your darkest thoughts. It's when your house phone rings numerous times over a week and just when you answer they ring off, and they are ex-directory

The total amount of leisure time you are with each other has got less. He or she appear to be doing overtime at work until late every night, or going to classes, or playing squash, or more possibly an indication of a cheating boyfriend. It seems if you telephone the office, your boyfriend is unavailable, or you get the receptionist. It is apparent that your opinion isn't needed by your lover at all..

You will be aware of several changes in their behaviour patterns. When your boyfriend starts to wash his own clothes then you have to ask why. It suddenly dawns that, you just don't get flowers or presents at all. It seems if you meet up with any of your boyfriend or girlfriend's friends from work they look a little uncomfortable. It appears that your boyfriend or girlfriend likes music you didn't think they were keen on and contemporary pop bands.

All of a sudden your partner shows utterly weird eating habits.Your sweetheart appears to have a fresh outfit. For some reason you have that gut feeling all is not right. Your partner has become unreliable, as well as cancelling lunch dates, they don't like it when and if the phone rings when no-one expects it to.

All of this could be warning signs, or nothing at all. You just need to be very aware now.

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How to Get Over Your Cheating Wife - Effective Tips for Moving On

Moving on after discovering the truth about your cheating wife might seem easy at first. Then the reality of what you're faced with doing sets in and it doesn't seem that simple at all. In fact, it can be downright difficult.

It's not like you can just stop your heart from beating or your mind from turning to thoughts of your wife at the drop of a hat. Your wife has been such a huge part of your life for so long that facing forever without her in it is still too impossible to consider.

How do you get over your cheating wife when you can't even wrap your mind around the fact that she isn't there?

Let Yourself Grieve

First, stop beating yourself up for not getting over her quickly enough. Grieving is a process. It takes time to go through all the stages. But, you need to experience them. You will have a hard time moving on with your life if you don't allow yourself to reach some sort of closure on your marriage.

The longer you were married the longer this is likely to take. Years aren't erased in a heartbeat. It shouldn't be that easy to undo something as serious and sacred as a marriage.

Even though your wife cheated on you that doesn't mean that you don't still love her and aren't going to need a respectable amount of time to come to terms with all that has happened since then.

Channel Your Emotions

There are many positive ways you can channel the emotions you're feeling as you work to get over your cheating wife.

No, you don't have to start smoking long cigarettes and reciting depressing poetry. But you do need to find a great way for you to channel your emotions into something that is positive rather than wallowing in a great big mud hole of self-pity and self-loathing.

Some great ideas to consider include taking up boxing, hitting the gym, taking up a hobby, build a boat (house, addition, or hot rod car - or whatever your interests and opportunity presents), or join a rock band. You need an outlet where you can release the pent up emotions you're experiencing.

Meet New People

Now it's time to make new friends. Depending on how long you were married it's probable that your social circle consisted of a large number of people you knew together.

You've not only lost your wife but your entire social support system in one fell swoop. It's time to get out there and make some new friends for the sake of your sanity.

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How to Stop an Affair From Happening - Best Way to End an Affair

Learning how to stop an affair from happening fast is very important if you really want to save your marriage. I would like to assume that you are about to engage in an affair or you suspect that your spouse is having one. The fact that you are trying to find ways to stop an affair is a good start in saving your own relationship.

Affairs happen because there is an opportunity. A lot of people who committed an affair did not intend to or did not think that they will be having one. It is very important that you and your spouse will not be exposed to things and places that may lead to infidelity.

Here are the best ways on how to stop an affair from happening:

Open Communication - This is very important in marriage as well as with other types of relationships. You should be able to share whatever things that you want to say with each other especially on your needs and problems. If you are not able to tell your spouse about your difficulties, it will get worse and will lead to a bigger problem.

Sex - A lot of married persons go astray because they are not sexually satisfied with their spouses. You should try to explore new things when making love. It is also noted that emotional intimacy is very important for married couples and not just plain sex.

Share a Hobby Together - Doing things that you both love is very helpful in making your marriage grow stronger. Couples who share the same passion and interests are less likely to have marital problems. Always spend quality time with your spouse and children.

Renew and Celebrate - You don't need to spend a lot of money to celebrate Valentine's Day or your Wedding Anniversary. A simple romantic dinner will go a long way in keeping the fire in your relationship burning. It is very important that you remember and give importance to these occasions.

Explore Together - A good way on how to stop an affair from happening is to do new things together. Whether you want to go on an adventure trip or just try bowling, it is always fun if you do things together the first time.

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How To Have an Affair Without Getting Into Serious Trouble - Things You Should Consider

One of the biggest problems with men who want affairs, is that they don't know how to have an affair while keeping it under wraps. There are several scenarios that can lead to this.

a) The man loves to brag, the macho reaction from most men is not uncommon, so it's understandable. You've just had an amazing night with a married woman, who wouldn't want to broadcast your amazing accomplishment. However, if you want to remain in the safe zone with affairs, good tip would be to keep your mouth shut. Refrain from even telling your BEST friend.

b) Finding someone close to home. If you're scouring your network for lonely wives, you might run in the trouble. There should always be a social distance between you and the other woman. Too many close connections means too much liability and more ways for word to spread.

c) Not meeting in an unknown location. It's a big mistake most men make to take their new partner to a well known location or a place where you are considered a 'regular'. Try to keep your dinners or dates to places uncommon to both of you.

You'll see many affair tips that tell you the same type of things, but it is very important to re-iterate. Always use online affair sites. This is crucial. If you are just looking for a fun time, then it really doesn't matter about the source. The mistake most men make is having affairs with someone close to him, or within the immediate circle. This opens all sorts of potential ways to get caught.

Knowing how to have an affair with a married woman is one thing, but where to start? Select the BEST online dating site only. Don't use any sites that don't offer a trial or guarantee of any sort, some sites offer a guaranteed affair or a money back. These are the best ones to go with, because there's essentially nothing to lose. Sites like these also offer better interactions as they are more successful, and in turn you'll higher quality women.

You have to consider that looking for an affair isn't exactly the most approved thing by most people, so doing this discreetly is very crucial. That's why most affairs websites are set up that way.

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How to Catch Your Spouse Cheating Work - Find Out If Your Spouse Is Having an Affair With a CoWorker

Did you know that affairs among coworkers are perhaps the most common type of cheating?

In fact, if you have even the slightest suspicion that your spouse is being less than faithful, then the best place to start looking is at their work place.

As you read this article you'll be learning:

  1. See Where He Goes on His Lunch Break

  2. Find Out Who's Actually From Work and Who's Made Up

  3. Find Incriminating Evidence in Texts/Emails

Surely one of those sounds good...If your husband or wife is cheating on you with someone from work, you'll know about it by the end of this article.

How to Catch a Work Affair

I'm going to let you in on a little secret that's going to prove invaluable when catching cheating:

If your spouse is having an affair, there WILL be evidence on their cell phone.

It's for this reason that my preferred method of weeding out an affair is using a little tool I like to call Cell Phone GPS Tracking. Below you'll be learning what it can do for you:

#1. Is Your Spouse Cheating on Their Lunch Break?

One of the hardest places to spot cheating is at the workplace. Simply because you have so little access to your spouse's behavior while at work, it's very difficult to pin down exactly when he may be cheating.

Furthermore, it's really easy for your spouse to make up a perfectly understandable excuse if you ever do find something fishy.

So, what's a guy (or gal) to do?

Well, thanks to the GPS function of a cell phone spy program, you'll be able to remotely follow your husband or wife anywhere they go while they're at work.

  • If they sneak out to a motel while they're on their lunch break, you'll know about it.

  • If they take a lover out to a nice restaurant for lunch, you'll know about it.

  • If they're not even at work and playing 'hookie' to get some alone time, then you'll know about it!

#2. Which of Their 'Work Buddies' is their Lover?

With cell phone tracking you can freely and remotely browse any information on your spouse's cell phone. It's part of what makes this tool so powerful.

One of the great things you can do with this spy software is test whether or not your husband/wife is telling the truth about their work friends. Hint: Most guilty partner's will say that the person they're cheating with is someone of the opposite gender.

It's highly recommended that you take half an hour or so to go through his/her contacts and write down any made-up-sounding names.

What you can do is go through their phone (without their knowledge) and find out who's who at work. You'll even be able to verify who they're cheating with by checking text messages! Which brings me to...

#3. Find Incriminating Evidence in Deleted Texts

Have you been unable to find any suspicious texts on your spouse's cell phone? Anyone with half a brain is going to delete all the dangerous text messages off of their cell phone as soon as possible.

That's why it can be so hard to catch cheating. However, with cell phone tracking software you'll have the ability to read text messages...

Even AFTER they've been deleted!

Very powerful stuff...I'm sure you can just imagine all the evidence you'll find with this tool.

So How Do YOU Catch Cheating?

Listen up, I'm willing to bet that you've still got a couple questions about cheating and work affairs and how to catch them. That's okay! In fact, it's normal.

Luckily, I've got some answers to help you out!

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Being Intimate With Your Husband After He Cheats

It's hard to get back into bed with your husband after he has cheated on you and pretend that everything is perfectly alright.

For one thing, it isn't alright. And, if you're being completely honest with yourself, you feel as though nothing will ever be alright again.

Then you struggle with the fact that you feel like the world's biggest hypocrite for feeling the way you do. You know that it's important to forgive. You REALLY want to forget. You can't even put into words how much you WANT to forget about the idea of your husband with another woman.

But the real problem is that now you're struggling with every doubt that you've ever had about yourself. They all seem magnified and larger than life. They are swarming around you.

Taunting you.

You don't know how you can possibly be intimate with your husband because you're so certain that you're not good enough.

Now it's time for your reality check.

That idea that is spinning around in your head is pure and utter HOGWASH! You heard me. It's just not true.

He may have been with another woman for a little while during your marriage. But, in the end, he CHOSE YOU!

That stands for something to him and it very well ought to stand for something with you.

Here's what you need to do to tear down that wall, brick by brick, so that you can restore the intimacy in your marriage after your husband has cheated on you.

STOP comparing yourself to her! You are better than that. You deserve better than that from yourself and for yourself. You are your own worst critic and you know it. Your husband loves you and he chose you over her in the end.

That's what matters, right?

So stop magnifying each of your flaws while dismissing all of yours and start seeing yourself as the beautiful, bright, lively, kind, and loving woman your husband sees when he looks at you.

Learn to live in the moment. You've spent so much of your life planning for the future. It's time to learn to bask in the glory of every single minute you have.

When you learn to live this way your husband will have no choice but to fall in love with you (and the way you embrace life) over and over again. More importantly, the intimacy issues you thought you had in your marriage will be a thing of the past in the blink of an eye.

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Wife Cheated On You But Wants You Back? 3 Ways To Get Over The Affair

If your wife cheated on you, but she says she is sorry and wants you back, can you believe her? Can your marriage be saved? How do you get over the affair and start over?

Well first, the question you have to answer is whether or not you really want to save your marriage. If you still love your wife and want to work on your relationship, then your marriage has every chance of survival. All it takes is a commitment to heal the relationship and work through your problems. Of course, that means that your wife has to be willing to work on things as well. You don't have to do all of the forgiving and getting over things - she needs to work on helping you get over her affair as well.

Here are three tips to help you get over the affair:

1. Work on trust again. If you really want to take your wife back after the affair, then you have to be willing to commit to trusting her. You can't be questioning her every move and forcing her to answer to you all of the time. That doesn't mean that you can't question her at all - it just means that you have to take steps to work on trusting her again.

2. Stop punishing her. You have every right to be angry and hurt that your wife had an affair. But if you want your marriage to work, you have to stop making her pay for her mistakes over and over. You have to be willing to move on and not throw the affair in her face every chance that you get. Healthy venting is good - just don't turn every fight into a fight about the affair.

3. Plan time to reconnect again. If your wife cheated on you, it can be tough to feel close to her. If you want to save your marriage, however, you should plan time for just the two of you. It will help you get over hard feelings, and remember that your wife still is the woman you love and wanted to build a life with. You want to tip the balance between the negative feelings you have for her right now, and the positive feelings you will need to be happy again. The more you can do to encourage positive, happier interactions with her, the better you will feel. That doesn't mean that you won't have bad days, but it will definitely help strengthen your feelings and your relationship.

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My Soul Mate Has Found a New Soul Mate

In the love world there are times when some events cannot have an explanation. One of my friends walked into my house a few weeks ago expressing how she has found her real love. I could not understand how she can find another soul mate when she is perfectly married, three kids, a husband who adores her, they were in primary school together and we were certain they were the ideal couple.

A situation like the above sounds weird, awkward and no one wants to hear the words "Honie, I'm in love with someone else, I have found my soul mate"

It is devastating for the person receiving the news, but this is a situation which has to be dealt with.

I made a cup of coffee and sat down to calm my nerves. She didn't look like an excited teenager but rather a bit worried about her discovery that she had finally found her soul mate and how her husband who she still cared about would take it as he believed she was his everything.

After her explanation on how she felt about her soul mate and her the comparison with her husband you could tell by the look in her eye that she had found the key to the Pandora box. She has found him and glad she has whilst she can still see her days on earth.

She asked me to talk to the husband who on the other side was seeing dark rings in his eyes. I could not phantom the look on his face for a while. He looked shocked, devastated and angry at the world for giving him lemons. I guess it was now time to make lemonade out of it.

He had written down the way he felt as follows:

1. I feel betrayed by the world

2. I feel like I have lived a lie all this time.

3. I feel she is still my soul mate

4. She must be confused

5. How can one find another love of her life?

6. I wonder if she was the one after all?

After talking for a while he realised that he could actually change the above statements to,

1. I'm glad I know the truth

2. She is my love but I have to accept that I am no longer her soul mate

3. I wish her well as she is the love of my life, I would want to see her happy.

This situation might not be the pleasant one at that time when you want it to work towards your favour, but on another note it might be better to know the truth and let it be?

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How to Regain Trust in a Relationship - 3 Simple Steps for Rebuilding the Trust After Infidelity

You have a hard time believing anything he says. Why would you? He cheated and lied to you, so how do you know he is not lying again?

Discovering how to regain trust in a relationship is a critical part of surviving an affair and saving your marriage after an affair. Here you will find a few simple steps to help you regain the trust fast get rid of these endless disturbing thoughts.

I can't believe how easily he could lie to me", "I can't believe I fell for his lies", "How could I not notice he's lying?", "I feel so betrayed, my self esteem is gone and I am suspicious of everything and everyone".

Can you relate to these feelings? You are not alone, and you should never blame yourself! Even professionals like law enforcement officials can't always tell when someone is lying. You may really want to trust him again, but it's a working process and it won't happen in a day.

How to Know Your Spouse Isn't Lying Again

As the injured spouse, you probably want to make sure that the affair has really ended and you want proof that he is not lying to you anymore. One solution, that is more popular than you can imagine, is taking him to a polygraph test. Most polygraph tests are said to have a 60-70% success rate, and the money is well worth it - If you can regain trust and get back your peace of mind. Many times the cheater will try to avoid the test and spill his guts about all the details that wanted to know.

3 Simple Steps for Regaining the Trust in a Relationship

To rebuild a "damaged" relationship that has been torn by lies, you need to create a new foundation of trust, one step and one brick at a time. Knowing for sure if your partner is lying in 100% accuracy could be a waste of your time and energy. What you need is more than that. You need to know that your spouse is not only regretting cheating, but able to actually change in character. Here are 3 steps you should take:

Step #1 - Define the Triggers

Think about your past week or past month. Think of all the things that triggered you to mistrusting your spouse. Is him coming home late without calling is a trigger? Is him not answering the phone a trigger? You can even write them down.

Step #2 - Let Him Know the Triggers

Become more transparent and let him know what makes you feel you are being lied to again. Ask him to call and explain if he's going to be late. Remind him that you are trying to regain the trust in your relationship and you are not just trying to check up on him and bother him.

Step #3 - Remove a Trigger

When your partner becomes more and more transparent, you can actively remove one trigger at a time. You will suddenly see that the triggers are fading away and you can cross out one trigger after another. If your spouse doesn't always cooperate, remind him that it his loving gift to you on the way to rebuilding the trust and the foundation of your relationship.

A fair warning: These steps alone are NOT enough for regaining the trust to your relationship. There are very specific exercises that teach you how to regain trust and save your marriage after an affair. You can find them in Dr. Gunzburg's free e-mail course in just a few minutes from now.

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How to Survive Your Wife's Affair and Save Your Marriage (If You Want To)

Are you struggling to recover after your wife has cheated on you?

What if I could tell you exactly what you can do to expedite the process of recovery after your wife has cheated on you...What if I could let you in on a couple secret tips that have been proven to increase the odds of getting through this affair as a happy couple?

Would that sound good to you?

I hope so, because that's what we're doing in this article!

Here's How to Recover From an Unfaithful Wife:

As you continue reading this article you're going to be learning exactly what you need to do to get over your wife cheating on you.

Each of these tips has been tested on thousands of other men and women successfully, so rest assured that you're getting solid advice here.

#1. Don't Beat Yourself Up About Grieving For Your Wife

Let me tell you something that no other man has ever told you before:

It's okay to cry.

In fact, when your wife has sex with another man, it's downright encouraged. Grief is a natural part of any tragedy, and you have every right to be extremely depressed and sad about this travesty!

After all, your life will never be the same. You have now officially LOST the relationship that you've built with your wife over the past years. Your marriage will never be the same, and you deserve to have a mourning period, because, well, that's just fair.

I mean, if she can cheat and ruin your marriage, you can take some time to bury the remains, right?

#2. Just Because She Cheated Doesn't Mean You Can't Love Her

I know that the mere mention of the word 'love' and 'wife' in the same sentence probably makes you pretty close to puking, but you gotta hear me out on this one.

Your wife cheated on you, but it's because of problems that were already present in the relationship, so don't blame your wife for destroying your marriage. Basically what I'm meaning to get across here is this:

YOU are going to have to decide whether or not it's possible for you to ever love your wife again. YOU. NO one else.

If you think you'll be able to really and truly love her again, then great!

If not, then it's time to move on.

#3. Be Patient; Take All the Time You Need to Decide What to Do

If your wife has had an affair outside of your marriage, then you are in a very awkward position. The decision rests on your shoulders as to whether or not you should do anything to save your marriage.

You need to decide whether you even want to be with your wife ever again, and you need to figure out if forgiveness is an option for you.

You'll know pretty early on whether or not you'll ever truly be able to forgive your wife. I urge, urge URGE you to take a LONG time making this decision. It's hard to take too long, you really need to think things through.

If you don't truly want to be with your wife but you convince yourself that you do, then in the end you'll only be hurting both of you.

Does that make sense?

So how can you start working towards a newer, better marriage than you've ever had before?

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My Husband Is Having An Affair, What Do I Do? Recovering From an Affair

First of all if you think that your husband is having an affair you should make some research about this and wait for a while to look for obvious infidelity signs. After you are sure that the affair is real only then you can start working on this problem because you don't want to make the mistake to be wrong about this. If the question "My husband is having an affair, what do I do?" is permanently on your mind you should know that for getting a good answer you have to prepare yourself for some other reactions you may have.

When you ask yourself: "My husband is having an affair, what do I do?" these are 5 reactions that you may experience:

1. Sadness - Your husband is seeing someone else and share a connection with her and that feeling of sadness is very hard to deal with.

2. Guilt - You may feel that you have broken your husband's intimacy and also his trust in you by checking him out and snooping into his personal life and you may feel that you crossed a line of privacy.

3. Neglect - When your husband is having an affair he will become less interested in you and neglect you all the time discussing with you only banal news, such as when to go to the store and what is the grocery list or what the children did, but nothing about you two.

4. Anger - You are angry on your husband because he is putting efforts in building other relationship when he should try to work out you marriage problems instead.

5. Trying to be defensive - You will try to protect yourself from your husband when he will find out that you are going through his "private business" because he pounced on you for doing that.

There are several ways for you to start saving your marriage after an affair like using communication, being transparent, going to couple counseling and more. Not all these methods are suitable for your situation but there is one way to find out the right answer to your initial question: "My husband is having an affair, what do I do?"

This method is an alternative to couple counseling and instead of going to a therapist. The therapist will come to you through a step-by-step system developed by a marriage counseling specialist with over thirty years of specializing in these kind of problems.

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Is She Cheating? Find Out Now If Your Girlfriend or Wife Is Cheating on YOU!

In recent years, all studies and polls related to infidelity have pretty much shown that women cheat almost as often as men do, so that old idea that a woman is just not the cheating kind is really not the truth. Fact is, if you are getting that feeling that your girlfriend or your wife might be cheating on you, then you really might want to pay attention to that. There is a pretty good chance that you just might end up being right about what she is doing.

Here are some tips on how to find out if your girlfriend or wife is cheating on you:

1. Start to take notice of whether or not she is changing her habits about where she goes when she is not with you.

If your wife or girlfriend usually ends up at all of the same places and then suddenly she seems to be a little more 'adventurous,' then there is a good possibility that there might be something that is causing her to feel that way. And that something might just turn out to be more of a someone, as in a new guy who has come into her life. People don't usually deviate from their routines without a reason, so if you detect that she is deviating from her normal routines, then she might be cheating on you.

2. The internet is like an open meeting place for women who want to cheat on their men, so pay attention to her online activity.

One of the things that kept women away from cheating years ago was the simple fact that it was a little harder for them to go out and find someone that they could creep with. Nowadays, all they have to do is log on to their computer and through the many dating sites and social networking sites, they can have a pool of men to choose from. And you know how guys can be. If your wife or girlfriend is using her computer a little too often AND you have that gut feeling, then she just may be using the world wide web to go looking for a new guy on the side.

3. Her cell phone could be her connection to another man.

A woman can connect and keep in contact with a man she is cheating with easier than ever. She has her cell phone on her at all times and the minute she gets alone, she can dial up the new guy and arrange a secret tryst of she wants to. Luckily, there are ways that you can track this and find out if she is using her cell phone to arrange meet ups or keep in contact with someone who is not YOU.

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How To Find Women To Have A Secret Affair With! It's Not As Easy As It Sounds!

So you want to have an affair! Many people do and it shouldn't be something to be scared of or something you don't try. Relationships get boring that's a fact and what better way to spice up things in your love life than have amazing sex all over again with a new woman.

But there are some problems with this!

A). You already have a partner and so finding someone else isn't as easy as it use to be when you were single.

B). You want it to be secret. This is a really important piece of information most people forget to bring into the equation and if anything is going to stop you then this shouldn't be it. You just need to know where and how to look!

You see you can't just go down to your local bar and pick up any girl that takes your fancy, as then things could take a turn for the worse and they end up finding and telling your partner what you have been up to if you annoy them or decide to break things off.

The ideal affair partner is someone who like yourself is looking to have an affair and also has something to loose if you were to be caught out. Plus the heat and intensity between you both is far greater when you know deep inside that you shouldn't be doing this yet the passion and sexual release makes every moment you spend with them even more amazing.

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I Think She Might Be Cheating on Me - Some Questions You Need to Ask Yourself

Do you have a 'gut' feeling that your wife or your girlfriend may be cheating on you? Most of the time in our society, we think of men as being the ones who cheat the most, but more and more study shows that women are just as capable, just as crafty, and definitely have more opportunity when it comes to cheating. If you have that sinking suspicion that your girlfriend or your wife may be cheating on you, then keep reading. There are some questions that you may want to ask yourself to determine if that gut of yours is dead on.

Here are a few questions that you need to ask yourself:

1. Is there more distance between you and her recently?

One of the most common reasons why a woman will cheat on her husband or her boyfriend is she is feeling detached from the relationship. Life can easily get in the way and before you know it, you and her are not spending nearly as much time together as you used to. These are the moments when women are more likely to seek some kind of emotional and even physical comfort outside of their relationship. So, if you have that suspicion *and* there has been a lot of distance between the two of you, it is possible that she may be doing the dirty behind your back.

2. Does she seem to be acting like she is hiding something from you?

It's pretty hard for someone to cheat on someone and not give off some signs or clues of what they are doing. Lots of times it will manifest in the feeling that she is hiding things from you or that she is suddenly being a little more secretive than usual. It may not mean that definitely is cheating on you, but it could be a sign that you need to pay some attention to what is going on in your relationship.

3. Are there phone numbers on her cell phone that you have no clue of whom they might be for?

Cell phones are like gold for someone who wants to cheat on their lover and more often than not, the one who is cheating doesn't do a whole lot to hide this on their phone. If you find that there are numbers in her cell phone and you are not quite sure of whom they might be for, then you have to admit that there is a possibility that it might be some dude on the other end of that number and the truth might be that she is doing something you don't want to know about.

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Survive Your Wife's Affair - How To Survive When Your Wife Cheats On You With Another Man

Has your wife cheated on you with another man?

Are you struggling to even IMAGINE what it will feel like to have recovered from this immense tragedy? Do you have any idea where to even BEGIN getting over your wife's betrayal?

If you're feeling lost, confused, and maybe just a little bit pissed off, then this article is for you.

As you continue reading you're going to be learning what you can do to expedite the recovery process, and make it as easy and quick as possible for you to get over your wife's affair.

Your Wife Cheated On You, How Can You Possibly Recover?

Each of these 3 tips your about to read is custom designed to help you through the process of grief. After you're done reading you'll have a written road map for your recovery process.

"All I Care About is Making the Pain Go Away!"

If only we could just stop our hearts from beating every time we felt pain...That would be the ideal world. Unfortunately the pain that your feeling isn't going anywhere any time soon, unless YOU do something about it!

As you're reading every word of this article, you'd do well to remember that YOU are the one in control. Not me. Not your wife. Not your brother or your mother or any other; just you.

Remember that.

Grieving is Unavoidable For a Reason...

There's a reason that we as human beings have this weird 'grief' mechanism built into our psyche. It's because it will make the rest of our lives a lot easier if we can just get all our sadness and pain out all at once.

Don't beat yourself up for going through this natural process, you need to take your time grieving and allowing yourself to fully grasp what's happened.

Just focus on getting through one day at a time and eventually you'll see the unbearable pain become bearable, and then slowly it will fade away into nothingness.

During this grieving process you should do your best to decide how you want to handle your wife and her situation. For example, do you still want to be with her? How do you feel about her?

This is YOUR time to get better, so mostly focus on you.

But, You Need to Know When to Take Action

While grieving is an extremely important - and in fact unavoidable - part of the recovery process, it's not the only part.

Take your time grieving, but also remember that you're still in a marriage...A marriage that needs desperate attention if you're going to keep any hope of a better life.

If you want your wife to ever come back to you, if you ever want to have a healthy and loving marriage ever again, you need to take action ASAP.

Start working together towards a happier future, NOW!

And how exactly do you do that?

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I've Been Cheated On - Can I Ever Trust My Husband Again?

Have you been dishonored by a cheating husband? Has your family been torn apart by infidelity? Are you having trouble trusting your husband again? If so, then there are two things that you can do to rebuild your relationship. You must first work on being honest with each other, and you should also consider some form of counseling.

The first thing to do if you do decide to forgive your cheating husband is consider some form of program or counseling. You need a plan to help you put things into perspective. Counselling will help you learn things about yourself that you didn't know before. What your husband did was wrong and totally his own choice. Never blame yourself for your husband's affair. You need a plan to work through your emotions the right way which will help when it comes to communicating with your husband. The program will undoubtedly give you hands-on exercises that will strengthen your communication and listening skills, both of which are keys to surviving an affair.

The second thing you can do to get over your husband's infidelity is to work on rebuilding your marital relationship. This will require honesty and open communication from both partners. If you decide that you still want to make your marriage work, then you have to be able to trust your spouse again. You cannot live in constant worry that he'll cheat. One key to surviving an affair is to talk to your husband more. If he's devoted to you, then he will want to tell you all of the particulars of his life. As painful as it may be, have him talk to you about the reasons why he cheated. Was he feeling neglected at home? Did he love the person he had the affair with? Does he feel compelled to do it again? These are all questions that you should discuss with him in-depth. You'll never be able to move forward until you have a complete understanding of why he cheated and what he'll do to cope with this problem. You need to know what he's doing to prevent himself from straying in the future.

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Your Wife Cheated On You - Here's How to Survive the Affair and Come Out Stronger

So you've finally discovered the truth about what your wife has been doing behind your back.

You've learned that your wife cheated on you, and now you'd like to know how you can deal with this indescribable pain and bring hope back to your life for a better marriage, am I right?

If this describes you then keep reading; this article is for you.

Your Wife Cheated On You - Here's How to Recover

As you continue reading this article I'm going to be focusing on what I think are the 3 most important (and yet often most overlooked) things that every husband should do to recover when they've been cheated on.

If your wife has been sleeping around with another man or men, then you owe it to yourself to become a strong, powerful individual once again, and these tips will help you do exactly that.

#1. Let Yourself Be Depressed (For A While)

Listen, no matter how manly you are there will ALWAYS be a grieving stage when you find out something like this.

All the muscle in the world won't make the pain of an affair any less unbearable, so do yourself a favor...Take a break from everything and just let it sink in.

In order for you to ever hope for a better, pain-free life you're first going to have to face and deal with all of the negative emotion created by your wife cheating on you.

The mourning period is normally when that happens, and if you try and skip it then you're only signing your own grave later. Because trust me, the emotions WILL find a way out, whether you like it or not.

#2. Find a Positive Outlet For Emotional Stress

One of the best things that you can do to reclaim your self-worth and start moving forward from your wife's infidelity is to pick up a hobby or something that will allow you to have an outlet for your energy.

When I was cheated on I don't know what I would've done without the gym...Any time I was feeling a little down in the dumps it was always a good workout that set me straight and really cleared things up.

I highly recommend you find something similar. Weight training is of course a very healthy outlet, but it can be anything you want; it IS your grieving period, after all.

#3. Re-Build Yourself a Social Life

This is the hidden gem that will make recovery from your wife's unfaithfulness MUCH easier.

Let me guess, you and your wife share most of your friends, which means that now that she's had an affair, you're stuck with next to no one that you can REALLY trust. I mean, you can't ever feel truly comfortable with someone that you KNOW is also talking to your wife, can you?

So find some of your own friends! I know it seems like an impossibly task right now, and yes I won't lie, it will take some time.

BUT! In the end it will be SO worth it. Trust me, I can promise that you'll be coming back to thank me.

If you learn nothing else from this article, learn this.

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What to Do When You See Cheating Spouse Signs

Almost one in three women will have their husband cheat on them, and even more will have their boyfriends cheat on them during their lives. It is sad but true that many men will cheat on their wives and will continue to do so until they are caught once and for all. For this reason, it is important to always be on the lookout for cheating spouse signs.

One of the most obvious of all the cheating spouse signs is a change in your husband's usual routine. If he starts to shower in the evening when he never did before or he takes much more care with his hygiene, then chances are that he is cheating on you. Men don't take very good care of themselves, in general, unless they are trying to impress someone - and that person is probably not you.

Other cheating spouse signs that are very obvious especially in today's high-tech world are when a man suddenly starts spending more time on his computer, his cell phone, or needs to get out of the house for no apparent reason. Any major change in a man's behavior like this usually signals that something is going on. He may not be having an affair yet, but he is trying to.

When you are pretty sure that your husband is cheating, then it is time to confront him. Obviously, no woman wants to do this because you feel like you are going behind your husband's back and spying on him, but the truth is that you are trying to save your relationship. You cannot have a marriage when one person is cheating and the other is suspicious. So, as hard as it may be for you, get the matter out in the open so that it can be resolved once and for all.

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3 Important Steps Toward Surviving Emotional Affairs

In the wake of emotional affairs, saving your marriage, even if you are going at it alone, is worth the time, energy, and commitment. Nothing can be more hurtful than a spouse who does not share your commitment to strengthening your relationship, and perhaps your partner is not capable at this point of putting in the effort to salvage the marriage. Do not lose hope, because there are ways of surviving emotional affairs and of working toward saving the relationship on your own.

Saving a marriage that is in crisis from emotional affairs is not an easy task, especially when one partner is not committed to the process. There is no way to force a spouse to be cooperative, and you cannot dictate your spouse's actions. Maybe your partner has lost hope that the relationship can be saved and is therefore reluctant to invest energy. The only thing that you can control is your own commitment to the marriage and the actions that you choose to take.

If you find that you are by yourself in working toward surviving emotional affairs and trying to salvage your relationship with your spouse, there are steps that you can take to make progress on your own.

Step One: Deepen Your Own Commitment

Despite whatever efforts are not being made by your spouse in working to save your marriage, you can strengthen your own commitment to the process. You may feel that you have already been giving everything you have, but if you want to save your relationship, this is the time when you may have to dig even deeper to find a well of strength that will allow you to give even more.

You are the only one who can decide what your relationship is worth to you. Only you can decide what lengths you will go to in order to save it. Making the decision and resolving to be fully committed to saving your marriage in the aftermath of emotional cheating can lead you to feel a sense of strength and empowerment.

Step Two: Be a Best Friend

As relationships age, many couples find that their roles with one another change from being supportive to becoming more adversarial. When you are down, you look for a friend who will be supportive, and though it is not the right solution to the problem, sometimes that can lead to emotional affairs. It is easy to forget that you and your spouse need to have a friend in one another.

Still, you can control only your actions and not those of your spouse. This is an opportunity to lead by example. By choosing to speak and interact in positive ways with your partner, you may be the seed of change that will inspire like action. Your spouse may see your positive changes and want to have that experience as well. By choosing a friendlier approach, you can create a trusting environment where your spouse may be able to envision improvement.

Step Three: Work on Yourself

Here is a big question: How do you give everything you have to your relationship and still have time for you? In order to give your best in a relationship, you need to be your best self. This requires you to be nurturing toward yourself as well as in terms of what you give. Healthy relationships, even after emotional affairs, are formed with healthy partners.

Often, couples can become less supportive and more adversarial because of resentment. You may feel that you have given up so much to the relationship that there is nothing left to give yourself. Do not underestimate the importance of setting aside time just for you. Allow yourself the opportunity to examine your thoughts and emotions. Give yourself permission and time to work through your own internal struggles, because surviving emotional affairs is not a quick or simple task. Throughout the process, be mindful of your own hopes and dreams, and try to nurture them.

It may be hard to know just what to do and where to begin when you find yourself alone in trying to save a marriage from emotional cheating. By investing your time and energy in these steps, you will be taking control of both commitment and actions that are within your power. You may choose to offer positivity to your relationship as you become empowered to make healthy and loving choices for yourself and your marriage.

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My Wife Cheated on Me - What Should I Do Now?

What makes you think your wife has cheated on you, were there signs to show she was not happy or did you find evidence? Not talking when you spoke to her, monosyllable replies. A relationship that involves two people who have strong emotional ties is not easy and it is something you need to work at all the time. Perhaps communication was absent in your relationship, romance gone completely?

You will have to make the decision as to whether you wish to stay in the relationship or move on. Leaving is an easy option, just packing your bags and starting somewhere else. Do you wish to do that? Emotions are running high for you just now so you need to take one day at a time, don't rush into anything. Think about when you first met and were going out together, what did you see in your spouse. Did she have a great personality, smile, good figure?

To get rid of the pent-up emotion go to the gym, go for a run. Do something to clear your head so you can then think about what to do. Men do not find it easy to talk about their feelings but when this has happened then I think you need to vent some emotion as it does help to talk about it. Don't go out and party or go have an affair yourself as that does not solve anything and on top of that you will regret it as you have then involved someone else in your problem.

You need to talk to your spouse and find out what the problem has been to make her cheat on you. Discuss what happened and if you both wish to stay in the relationship or is it not worth it?

I think it is, you took the time to get married at least sit down and discuss it fully.

If you don't then you will not be able to rectify it if it happens again in another relationship.

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Simple Things You Can Do To Save Your Marriage After Cheating

After cheating there are all kinds of things you can probably thing of to do to save your marriage. Some of them are elaborate and expensive while others are difficult to implement. Still others are simply unrealistic unless you can do the whole Superman fly around the earth to turn back time thing. Unfortunately, super powers are probably not in your arsenal of tools to use for this purpose.

But that doesn't mean your status as a mere mortal means that you can't come up with a few great ideas that are sure to be successful when it comes to your efforts to save your marriage after cheating.

Of course, it helps if you remember a few important facts first. One great fact to keep in mind is that somewhere, deep down inside, your spouse probably wants your marriage to work too.

That doesn't mean that he or she isn't completely devastated, more than a little angry, and a whole lot of hurt over the fact that you cheated. Most people don't handle being cheated on very well. They say and do things they don't mean. They lash out in anger and from the pain of it all and say things they'd never say otherwise.

You have to take everything that is said and done at a time like this with a grain of salt.

The other thing to remember is that your spouse still has a lot of love for you. The flames may be flickering and the walls are definitely coming up but that doesn't change the fact that your spouse loves you. It isn't something that could be easily "turned off."

This means you have two things working in your favor before you've made your opening move. Here's what you need to do next to make sure you don't lose any ground.

Make Amends

It's not enough to just apologize. You need to make amends with your spouse for cheating. It's the only way he or she will be able to really gauge your sincerity.

Making amends is not the same thing as apologizing. Making amends means that you are actually making changes so that you'll never be in a position to cause the same harm again.

Taking action to change is the only real signs your spouse can see to believe you have changed. It's something that can be seen and it can give your spouse hope that he or she will never need to experience this sense of betrayal from you again.

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Does Your Ex Want You Back Even Though You Cheated?

In the initial days after you broke up over your cheating, you probably had plenty of fantasies about your ex coming back to you with hat in hand asking for a second chance. Your ex was hurt by your cheating and you were hurt by how easily your ex chose to end the relationship.

Now, a little time has passed and some water has flowed beneath both your bridges. Now you are talking again without going into full blown battle mode. You're even getting the feeling that your ex is interested in doing something a little more than just talking to you.

The thing is, you were hurt too and you don't want to be the one to make the first move if that isn't what's on the mind of your ex. So, how do you know when your ex is interested in getting back together and working things out?

Sometimes, the greatest rewards require the greatest risks. A leap of faith at a time like this might be just what the doctor ordered.

Here's the thing. If you are miserable without your ex in your life, what do you have to lose but a little bit of pride by being the one to make the first move. Things can't really get any worse than they are now right?

But, if you need a little more convincing that your ex might be interested in a second chance for your relationship, these are some sure signs that your ex has something more than friendship on his or her mind.

Your Ex is Initiating Contact

When your ex is calling, texting, emailing, Facebooking, Tweeting, etc. to you without being invited to do so or your ex is the one making the first move in all these things then your ex misses you.

The longer your relationship went on, the greater the odds are that your ex was much more than just a romantic interest. Your ex was probably your best friend as well. It could be the friendship that is missed but the odds are just as good that it is the whole package, romance included that your ex is interested in restoring.

Are You Always "Bumping In" To Each Other?

Does it feel like your ex is always in the places you happen to be going? If it isn't an effort on your part to be in the places you believe he or she will be then the odds are good that your ex is the one making the effort to be where he or she believes you will be.

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My Husband Is Having An Affair - What Do I Do? 7 Insights For When You Find Out About The Affair

Before I even had a chance to say hello the voice at the other end of the phone was wailing: "My husband is having an affair what do I do?" I quickly found my wife and passed the phone to her so she could console her friend. Unfortunately this was not the first time my wife has acted as counselor to a friend whose husband has cheated. Having experienced a cheating spouse with my first wife I understood what these women were going through. The anger and overwhelming shock and grief of being betrayed by the one person closest to you, then uncertainty and sadness. With the sting of betrayal comes anger, we want to lash out and hurt those that have hurt us only more. Most of us have some sort of gut reaction like screaming, breaking things, pleading, or cursing. It rarely solves anything but does feel better just for doing. I've compiled the following insights in the hope they will help you manage through this difficult and painful time in your life.

  1. Be honest. Before you say anything about the affair to your spouse think of what it is you want: do you want to save your marriage or is this the reason you have been looking for to let it go?

  2. Talk straight. Assuming you want to save your marriage engage your spouse in an open hearted discussion about your relationship - not theirs with the other person. If they are unwilling to talk with you suggest a professional counselor or church leader to help communication.

  3. Do not ask about the other person. Are they smarter, more fun, better looking? This will just put your already shaken self-esteem even lower. Besides it's not really about them.

  4. Forgive. Easily said I know but if you can keep bring yourself to honestly do this you will heal the pain much sooner plus your marriage will stand a better chance of surviving. If you don't forgive you will always carry the pain and be a victim. Forgiveness is empowering.

  5. Engage in life. Don't retreat and shut yourself off from friends, family or other support systems. Sure people will talk about your misfortune, gossips always find someone else's misery to revel in, ignore it. Take strength from those that truly care for you.

  6. Banish the thought. Being vulnerable leaves you open to self-doubt that often comes in the form of negative self-talk. When this happens you have to consciously make an effort to switch those thoughts to something that gives you pleasure like a child or pet maybe a particularly good moment from the past or a line from a funny movie. Anything that dislodges the repetitive negatives whirling through your brain.

  7. Revenge. Don't do it. Especially if you want to get your marriage back on track. You think you'll feel better by getting your own back but this is just a lie we tell ourselves when deeply hurt.

Some of these things will be difficult to do when you first find out. But when the shock wears away you will have to come to terms with your new reality and hopefully some of these tips will help you manage to do that.

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I Had An Affair On My Husband - Is "How To Survive an Affair" Program the Solution?

How To Survive an Affair is a new program that tries to help couples to deal with this uncomfortable situation. Maybe you don't want to spend money to solve this problem, but you should realize that divorces are much more expensive. Even face to face counseling can be more expensive than an investment in a proven program.

As a woman who has had an affair on your husband you may think that the program would not be suitable for you situation. Far away from the truth. There are many chapters that address some of the biggest concerns a cheating female has after an affair.

Let's mention some of these problems:

How to get your husband to forgive and reconcile

This may be consider the main problem. After an affair is not easy to forgive the cheating partner, and due to our education, it seems men find it more difficult than woman. However, inside How to Survive an affair, Dr. Gunzburg shows you how to do that in a section called Will My Partner Ever Trust Me Again.

How to convince your husband the affair is really over and to trust you again

The affair is over but, how to convince him that it is really over? Becoming transparent is the title of the chapter that tries to help on this problem.

Getting your husband to open up and hear the truth, not draw own conclusions.

Last but not least, it is very important that your husband hears the truth from you and does not start to imagine what may have happened. Men own conclusions will be probably worst than reality. There is an entire chapter in the program that discusses when to talk about the Affair and how to do it.

There are many relationship e-books and programs and many of them are really good. But after I read How To Survive an Affair, I think it is worth a try.

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Infidelity Investigations - Hiring A Private Investigator For A Cheating Spouse Or Partner

If you are suspicious that your spouse or lover may be cheating on you and for your own internal peace of mind you're considering hiring a private investigator you may wish to consider what you're getting yourself into first. You may also wish to consider, much less expensive alternatives that are just as effective at catching your partner's cheating.

Without a doubt one of the most difficult aspects of infidelity is when you first come upon evidence that create your suspicions and for the weeks that follow wondering if it is true or if you are just paranoid. For many people who have come to me for counseling they told me that getting a rock solid proof was actually a relief. Not knowing part was the worst part of the whole ordeal.

If you're considering hiring a private investigator to get this peace of mind the first thing you have to consider is, who do you hire? Opening up the phone book and randomly just selecting a private investigator without knowing anything about him or his background, may produce marginal results at best. And even if you do successfully select a private investigator who is competent and effective and cares, you have to consider the expense. Nowadays, private investigators generally charge $100-$200 per hour. Many of them charge a retainer fee on top of that. Of course it is hard to put a price tag on your peace of mind, that I certainly understand.

There are many effective alternatives to catching infidelity and cheating.

These alternatives allow you to play the role of the private investigator. The various alternatives that allow you to be a private investigator and find out if your spouse or lover is cheating include:

  • Hidden spy cameras that can be placed around the home. These come in all shapes and sizes disguised as many different things, including a smoke alarm and a clock radio. These range in prices from anywhere between $100 and $300. The ones with night vision capabilities are more expensive.

  • GPS tracking devices that are about the size of a cigarette lighter. They can be placed in the car of the person you think may be cheating on you. These cost between $100 and $200.

  • If you think some facet of the infidelity is occurring on a computer this can easily be solved with a computer key logger or key spy. These programs monitor everything that occurs on a computer including e-mails sent and received, websites visited, conversations and instant messaging windows. These types of programs cost between $50 and $100.

  • The latest tool to thwart cheating spouses is what is called a mobile phone spying application. These mobile phone spying applications will tell you every single phone call your cheating partner makes and receives, every single text message they send and receive, as well as their exact physical geographical location, 24 hours a day seven days a week. These mobile phone spying programs cost anywhere between $50 and $350.

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Infidelity Investigations - Tons Of Warning Signs Your Spouse Is Cheating

The Many Signs Of Infidelity

Anybody can fall victim to infidelity. Of course the best way to judge somebody's future behavior is to examine their past behavior which basically says if you're in a relationship or choose to engage in a relationship with someone who has cheated on someone before you increase your risk of suffering from infidelity right out of the starting gate.

Okay, too late for that one, you're already in a relationship with somebody and you think they may be cheating on you. It doesn't matter what color you are, how old you are, how good-looking you are, or how rich you are. Infidelity is something that can happen to anyone, including you.

Below is a list of many of the signs that your partner may be cheating on you. If your spouse or boyfriend or girlfriend is exhibiting more than a couple of the signs the next step for you to take will be to get solid proof.

Rule #1 - If you are merely suspicious of your partner's infidelity under no circumstances should you confront them with your suspicions.

  • If you are right about them cheating on you all you will do is teach them to be more cautious about their cheating activities making it more difficult to find out information.

  • if you are wrong you create abrasions of mistrust in the relationship that aren't deserved.

Either scenario does not provide positive benefits for you or the relationship. First off check the following signs:

Sudden appearance improvements - if your boyfriend or girlfriend is cheating on you that means they are having their first dates and just getting to know the person they are cheating with. As such they will attempt to create a positive impression. So if your partner is suddenly dressing better and looking better and just being more presentable overall who is he/she doing this for?

Change in the way they relate to you -when your spouse or lover becomes involved with someone else they will most likely start to treat you differently most likely on a subconscious level. The most common changes in the way they treat you is they may become more critical or more complaining of you and your habits that annoy or bother them.

Working longer - this is the classic excuse to spend time of the person you're cheating with, working more hours, working overtime. If your partner starts going to work earlier or is staying later this could be a clue. Installation of a cell phone spying application on her mobile phone will tell you where he/she is 24 hours a day seven days a week.

Business trips - � An extension of the previous symptom, does your partner suddenly need to go away and spend a night or two or three nights away for business? Does it seem sort of odd to you that all of a sudden your spouse or boyfriend or girlfriend is so motivated?

Less touching - do you notice that your spouse or lover is touching you less and/or differently? if your lover is cheating on you they will definitely kiss you differently. They may either kiss you much more passionately than they used to as a way of hiding or covering up the fact that they are cheating or their kisses may become the opposite - �little pecks on the cheek - the kind of kisses your mother might give you.

Different Smell - you'll notice you're cheating partner smelling differently. They will either be wearing a different fragrance or different levels of a fragrance or wearing a fragrance more frequently than normal.�

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Is Internet Cheating Really Cheating?

Linda had just gotten engaged to be married in a little over a 6 months from now by a man she felt was the ideal man named Ben. She was sitting at her fianc�'s computer �accumulating addresses to send out wedding invitations to. Linda opened an e-mail that instantly made her wonder if everything was a big mistake.

"Nancy, I really loved those pictures you sent me last night. That certainly gives me something to think about when I drift off to sleep tonight. Please send more. I'll give you a call on my way home from work this evening"

Completely distraught and shocked Linda made him one of the biggest mistakes many people make when suspicious of infidelity. Linda called Ben at work and confronted him over the phone. There are a variety of reasons why this is a mistake mainly because first by doing it over the phone she couldn't see Ben's body language which has everything to do with detecting deception and lies and secondly by making Ben aware of her strong suspicions she will just teach Ben to be more cautious in the future.

Anyway when Ben came home that night as you might imagine Linda and Ben had a long drawn out fight about the whole issue. Ben did admit to meeting the other girl, Nancy, in a chat room several weeks before and he swore up and down the only contact he has had with her was through the chat room and recently on the cell phone.

Do you consider this cheating? Technically this certainly is not cheating. Not only have Ben and Nancy never had sex they have never even met in person. The danger here is not what is but what could be. Up until the morning when Linda saw the e-mail Ben had sent Nancy Ben had been getting away with it. �What would stop him from taking it to the next level? If Linda had never seen an e-mail what would've ended up becoming of Ben and Nancy?

With the presence of the Internet today as a means of meeting members of the opposite sex I guess the definition of infidelity and cheating needs to be modified to: Infidelity: the act of engaging in communications of any sort with the intent of expressing or acting out romantic desires thoughts or feelings.

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What To Do When Your Partner Cheats

You no longer believe in him and his promises. You perhaps can no longer see yourself growing old with him or that he will be the father of your children. And you probably now harbour doubts about your desirability and what your future holds. My advice to you and anyone who is facing such a situation is: When everything changes, change everything.

Most of us believe that change is painful and we will go to great lengths to avoid it, even staying in relationships that no longer work. But how you actually approach change will make all the difference. Your first change is how you want to react to this event. Right now you are angry and confused and it's easy to see why. That's your fear talking.

Ask yourself would you like to stay that way and continue to approach it from this angle? If you do it might get messy because even though throwing a few vases, getting revenge or screaming and yelling can feel cathartic, you end up losing in the end. Change your approach because you do have a choice. Be selective with your emotions. This doesn't mean you have to be cold and calculating, nor do you have to ignore your instinctive feelings, just take a moment and in your mind go through your options. Each option will have a different outcome for you to consider.

You will obviously still feel strong emotions for a while believing that the harmony you once had has been replaced by uncertainty and struggle. This is normal, but do choose a way ahead for yourself that allows you to feel love again. Is there a peaceful resolution? How you process this on the inside will determine what happens on the outside.

How good you are at this emotional management will determine your success in all areas of your life. Our initial reactions tend to be negative and can make situations even worse. Taking control of your self means you have a foothold on the solution ladder. Whether you choose to stay with him and work things through, or whether you decide to make a fresh start alone must come from your decision to choose a great future not just a painless one.

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Regain Your Self-Respect After The Affair

In the aftermath of the affair, you've had a big blow to your self-esteem and you're probably feeling you've lost your self-respect. As a result of your spouse's infidelity, you've been hit with a barrage of emotions, that have created self-doubt and anger. You're trying to cope with all the negative thoughts and images that haunt you every waking moment of the day. You can find no peace even when you sleep. You're constantly berating yourself and feeling foolish as to why you weren't able to see the signs that something was not quite right in your relationship. All of the thoughts, emotions and feelings that you are trying to cope with, have an effect on how you feel about yourself, and your life.

You're still angry, fraught with self-doubt, and wondering whether you really knew your spouse. You're uncertain about who you really are, the future of your marriage and what lies ahead for you. Anger, self-doubt, and uncertainty are a natural reaction to a spouse's infidelity, but with all the negative thoughts you are trying to cope with, anger can, all too often, be pointed inward. The burden of negative thoughts and emotions can wreak havoc on your health, but - when you finally come to the realization that all these things are making you sick, then it's time do something about them.

You are not responsible for your spouse's actions, but you are responsible for your health and your life. You are facing a "gut-wrenching" period in your life, but by recognizing it for what is, you can change what happens next. You may have thought, that because of the affair, you've lost your self-respect but your self-respect is not dependent on your spouse's act of infidelity, it is dependent on how and what you think about yourself. Even though you may feel that everything in your life is out of your control, you must remember, that you have control over what goes on in your mind and no one else, but you, can help you pass this nasty point in your life. The negative thoughts swirling around in your mind are, not only, are limiting your ability to move on but are preventing you from taking care of yourself. It's time for you to take back the responsibility of how and what you think and remove the power of the negativity that surrounds you. You cannot change what has happened, but you can change how you view yourself and your life.

You may not think so now, but doing the things that you like to do, and having fun play a huge role in relieving tension and up-lifting your spirits. Start doing the things that you have always wanted to do and never found the time for. Accomplishing the things you've previously put off, not only, instills confidence in yourself, it also boosts your self-esteem. Confidence plus self-esteem equals self-respect.

Regaining your self-respect sets no limitations on what you can do. It is the gift you give yourself, that provides a firm foundation in knowing who you are. It allows you to take care of yourself, your emotional well-being and gives you reassurance within yourself, that no matter what happens around you, you will be alright. It is key to you gaining the things you want out of life and your pursuit of happiness.

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Emotional Affair Recovery - 3 Proven Steps to Fully Recover When Your Spouse Doesn't Love You

Has your spouse fallen in love with someone else? Are you struggling to get over the fact that you are no longer the most important person in your spouse's life?

When your spouse has committed emotional infidelity they have put your marriage in grave danger...You essentially have to basic choices from here on out:

A) You can say "F You!" to your spouse and end the marriage now. This is a perfectly legitimate option for many people.

- OR -

B) You can work to save your marriage and get back together with your spouse.

In this article I'm going to be focusing on option B (although anyone who's undergone an emotional affair will benefit).

As you continue reading you're going to be learning how you can recover from your partner's emotional infidelity, and what you can do to begin rebuilding your marriage.

3 Steps to a Full Recovery From an Emotional Affair

As I said above, although these tips can help anyone whose undergone an emotional affair, they're really intended for those who want to get back together with their spouse and repair the marriage.

These steps are designed to help you rebuild your confidence, your love, and your marriage.

First - Make a Commitment to Your Choice

Remember when I told you that you had 2 basic options? Well, I really wasn't kidding about answering that. You need to figure out what you want to do, and you need to make a commitment to do it.

If you want to get back together with your husband/wife, then you need to commit yourself to a better marriage. You need to have every fiber of your mind accept the fact that it will be a painful process, but that you WANT to be back in that marriage.

If you don't want anything to do with your unfaithful spouse, then you need to commit yourself to getting out of the marriage.

What you should NOT do is sit around deciding for days on end. Figure out what you want to do, take a day to think about it and make sure you still want to do it, then create a plan to make it happen, whatever your choice.

Second - Be a Friend to Your Spouse

This is probably the hardest part of this whole process...Even though your spouse has cheated, you really need to work hard to build a friendship with them.

See, what happens in most marriages is that over time the relationship changes from one of love and tenderness to one of arguing, fighting and challenge. As a result your spouse turned to someone else for help, and that's probably what caused the emotional affair.

Now I'm not saying it's your fault, that really doesn't matter anyways. The point is that no marriage can prosper if your spouse doesn't think they can trust you with real problems.

So work to rebuild that role.

Third - Don't Forget that You're the Most Important Person

This is one thing that many men and women struggling to rebuild a marriage don't find time for, and ultimately, is probably the reason so many fail at affair recovery.

You see, it's great to work on forgiving your spouse, and it's awesome to try and regain your wife/husband's friendship, but you ALSO need to find 'you' time.

You need to figure out a way to get away from everything and have a few breaths to yourself. Collect your thoughts every once and a while, and I can guarantee that things will go a LOT smoother.

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Cell Phone Spy - How to Catch a Cheating Spouse

Are you suspicious of your spouse?

You know the warning signs... and if you don't then you need to educate yourself... A Cheating Spouse or significant other will start to change their routine slowly as they start a new relationship with someone else. The signs start out very small... For instance, a cheating spouse may start to tell you that they are working later more often or they may tell you that they have to be at work early.

Another sign of a cheating spouse is when they start to worry about their physical appearance more. A cheating spouse may start to diet more often or they may start to dress differently. If it's your wife, she may start to wear more makeup or she may start to wear heels more often. If it's your husband, he may start to wear polo shirts, or he may start to wear a little more cologne or aftershave...

These are all signs of a cheating spouse. There are hundreds of more signs that I'll write about in my upcoming articles, but most importantly you need to be aware and get to the bottom of it so you can either salvage your relationship or confront your "cheating spouse."

There are many ways to catch a cheating spouse, but the easiest way to to check their cell phone and I have have found a unique undetectable spy application for mobile handsets that may be used to track different events of any cell phone including the reading the texts at remote locations, check on calls and GPS location of the telephones.

It's a wonderful tool for you to see what your spouse has been up to. It's easy to use and is a wealth of knowledge.

The use of this spy app has been observed in many locations that call for a person to be confident or to get rid of your confusion relating to what a person says or does. The application can be used on any computer at any location throughout the globe.

This application can monitor and record every one of your spouses cell phone activities from the targeted mobile phone. The data is saved on a remote server and you can get it whenever want and view it from any computer in the world. The benefit of this utility is that it can be used with out the knowledge of your spouse mainly because it's totally undetectable. This is because it does not include any beeps or icon on the phone and when no body will ever know that the app is active or is sending data to the receiver.

Another incredible characteristic in this software application is its capability to secure all text messages sent and received through the cell phone. This is information you need if you suspect your spouse of cheating. They become very secretive with their phone and even if your spouse erased the message, every single message can still be read. This way, all hidden messages are revealed and you will have caught your spouse through their text messages which you will be able to print out from your computer.

This app can be used on many different types of cell phone and is extremely easy to install. It's completely undetectable and invisible and runs in stealth mode. Your spouse will have no idea that you are monitoring their cell phone. You just set up the software on the target cellphone then enter the details of the mobile phone onto the software web site. Once you log in to the software website with your given username and password, you are able to commence spying on the person by means of his/her cell phone. Walaa!!! Now you can really see what your spouse has been up to!

You'll be able to see EVERYTHING from any PC on the planet! This software is extremely affordable and well worth every penny! Believe me, it works!!! You can view details from ANY laptop or computer in the world... all you require is internet access!

The software uses a state-of-the-art covert tracking utility that monitors and records ALL activity around the cellphone. It then sends all of the information to a server where it is stored for you! All you do is install our software onto the aim at mobile phone you need to spy on... installation is simple and only takes a minute! You'll be able to then view all recorded information from any PC on the planet! As soon as installed... there's definitely no way of discovering this software on the target's phone... it really is absolutely invisible and undetectable...

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8 Fun Ways To Prevent Cheating In A Relationship

How To Prevent Cheating In A Relationship

Many people at some point during their relationship end up having to face the issue of infidelity. The purpose of this article is to help you prevent your boyfriend or girlfriend from cheating on you.

A simple concept is to make your partner only want you and nobody else.

Here are 8 powerful and simple things you can do to keep your partner's eyes focused on you and you only.

  1. There is a phrase that states 'what you focus on grows, what you think about it expands'. What this basically means is if you become worried that your partner may cheat on you you actually increase the chances they will cheat on you. one of the first and most powerful things you can do to prevent cheating from creeping into your relationship is trust your partner. Have the attitude that cheating and infidelity will not happen in your relationship. This sends the signal to both your partner and the universe that you are confident. Confident people get cheated on much less an insecure people.

  2. Always give your partner the space they need. By giving them the space they need, you must remember and realize your partner owes you nothing. They don't owe you love. They don't owe you a second of their time. In fact, your partner owes you nothing. People who don't give their spouse or boyfriend or girlfriend the space they need do so because they have the attitude their partner somehow owes them something time wise. It's like the old saying of setting a butterfly free if it comes back to you it was meant to be. This is closely tied into principle number one. If you have an unshakable confidence in your self and the belief that your girlfriend or boyfriend will do the right thing by you then you will have no concerns about where they go and when they go there and when they get home. let me put it another way - if you don't willingly did if your partner all the space they need they are more likely to take it by cheating. Let your spouse do whatever they want, whenever they want, with whoever they want.

  3. Everybody has insecurities at times including your partner. Be sure to pay attention to their insecurities by giving them complements. Say and do things that make them feel wonderful about themselves and they will never turn to somebody else to make them feel wonderful.

  4. Shared new and interesting things you learn with your boyfriend or girlfriend. By doing this, you keep them intellectually stimulated.

  5. One bad habit many of us get into when we get comfortable with a relationship is we become much more lax about our grooming and appearance. Over time, we can actually start looking really terrible. Keep yourself attractive for your mate, and they won't be so tempted by the attractive person they see in the gym or at work.

  6. Build a healthy social life and hobbies outside of your relationship. This ties in deeply with the suggestion about giving your partner space. If you are busy with your own life and hobbies you won't be so concerned about what your partner is doing with their free time.

  7. One thing that make relationships, great is when we reach the point where we feel so comfortable with each other that we can totally just be ourselves. We tend to get comfortable routines. An example of this is a husband and wife who, every evening, sit in the living room reading the newspaper or a book. They are comfortable enough that they can be together, doing their own thing without having to actually speak to each other. However, don't get too comfortable. Every once in a while, at least once every two weeks, you want to mix things up by doing something new or exciting, together. Try a new restaurant. Go out to a movie.

  8. Laughter in a relationship is very important. In fact, my mom has often said that one of the most important indicators of the compatibility of two people in a relationship is that they'll laugh at the same things. Once a week, rent a comedy from your local video store. Make popcorn and cuddle up with each other, enjoying the movie and laughing together in each other's arms

Follow these eight tips, and I guarantee it almost makes it impossible for their ever to be infidelity in your relationship.

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Married Women Seeking Love Outside Their Home

It seems these days that marriages are falling apart left and right and everyone has their own idea as to why they did fail. Research has shown that many women seek affairs outside of their marriages because they are sexually dissatisfied. They feel that their spouses are selfish lovers, selfish when it comes to financial needs as well as other everyday details like choosing what's for dinner and more.

Women tend to hold things back when it comes to intimate details and emotions in their relationships, so when they feel alone or hurt they tend to handle it on their own. One way they do this is by searching online databases where they can find men with some common interests and a need for affection. Online personals are the most private and easiest way to meet someone when you are married.

Online personals keep things anonymous so that it minimizes your risk in being discovered by your spouse. Those who are married but looking will find hundreds of individuals that are in that "married-for-married" category. Those who are seeking the extramarital affair want to know that they don't have to hide their marital status, and they no longer have to face rejection anymore!

If you are truly unhappy, then what you may need is a new adventure. The women, who are looking, are looking for partners that in turn will understand their needs, wants and desires. It seems that married couples become bored with each other and lose interest in the other person and their wellbeing, and it's only a matter of time before your life becomes mechanical and boring.

Worried about trying to connect with someone who doesn't have something in common with you? You don't have to worry when working with an online matching systems like "married woman personals". Matching is a critical part of the process and is how married women meet their new mates every day. Those who are lonely can chat online with potential candidates, and find out more about that special person.

Email contacts are also available when using online systems, and make it easy to view your messages from anywhere. Whether you are at home or work, you can check in to see if you have any recent messages from those who are interested in meeting a married woman. A resource that married women can try for free makes it easier for them to try the service and see if they like it.

Is there any reason not to look into what these married but looking personals have to offer? There is absolutely nothing to lose when joining this site, and taking advantage of a system that provides confidential conversation and interaction with other married people. Looking for the attention and physical contact that you crave has never been easier with the concept of the online personal ads.

That being said, always be sure to be safe when meeting with anyone through an online forum or matchmaking site. Get a good feel for your potential partner and always listen to your gut about such decision making. Other than that, the process has become so accessible these days that you'll probably be surprised at how fast smiles return to your face and thrill and exhilaration become a normal part of everyday life again!

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How to Catch a Cheating Spouse - 3 Spouse-Tracking Technologies So Powerful They Should Be Illegal

I knew that my wife, Mary, was having an affair with another man. There was absolutely nothing that could convince me otherwise, I recognized it deep within my spirit. But without proof my accusations were useless. My spouse knew precisely how to conceal her extramarital relationship from me.

Technology has made it super easy to trace our spouse's or partner's infidelity. Keep reading the next few paragraphs and you'll find the top 3 methods for catching your spouse red handed.

Best 3 Ways of Tracking Your Husband or Wife's Affair (worst to best):

#3 - Reverse Call Look Up Service -

This is definitely the most popular technique listed in this article, however it still deserves mention.

Reverse telephone look up is probably exactly what you think it is...You give a telephone number and get information in turn. The good thing about back call look up is that it's easier than you think to peek at your spouse's cell phone for out of place numbers (recent phone calls, texts, phony names in contacts...). Looking up telephone numbers has become the most basic means of tracing your wife or husband's activity.

Before picking a phone look up service be sure to check for these two things:

100% Secure - Many shady providers may sell your lookup as well as your personal information to other phone number look up services, or anybody with the money. Make sure that the company you use promises privacy.

Index Volume: A reverse phone number lookup service is only as good as the volume of its index. It is a shame, but some reverse lookup services make you pay for small directories. The consequence is usually that your lookups are absolutely unproductive.

#2 - Key Logger Software -

Many of the first viruses on the web were Key Loggers. It once was that hackers would use Key Logging programs as viruses to get admittance to your personal documents, card information, etc...

These days it is much more common to use them as software for investigating affairs or monitoring employees.

Key Logging Instructions:

1. The first thing you need to do is install the Key Logger. The best Key Loggers are 100 % hidden to everyone else except for you.

2. Simply wait for your spouse to use the computer. Once they do, the Key Logger will record each and every key stroke they make, every site they visit, and each message they send. The truth is, a good Key Logger will shoot images of the screen for you to print.

I am certain you can see the way you could use this to effortlessly catch an affair.

#1 - GPS Position Tracing Software -

Wouldn't it be fascinating if you could know exactly where your spouse is literally all of the time? GPS Tracking is definitely the best method to observe your partner's actions.

If your partner owns a reasonably modern cell phone then this is definitely the ultimate way to acquire solid proof of an affair.

Here's the gist of Cell Phone GPS Tracking:

1. You have to install a small hidden program on their phone. If you know what you're doing you can have the install done in less than a minute. If it's your first time, it still won't take longer than 120 seconds.

2. The tracking program will stay totally hidden on the phone.

3. The tracking program automatically relays information to a remote internet server. You're the only one with access to the server where the information is recorded.

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Thursday, April 21, 2011

Catch Your Cheating Boyfriend Or Husband By Setting The Perfect Trap

A very ingenious and effective way to catch a cheating man

The first rule of catching a cheating man is make sure you give them plenty of room to make errors. What this means is never communicate your suspicions of his cheating. Play along like you are the dummy and make him think he is totally getting away with it scot-free. This will cause him to make errors more often.

  • Set a trap - come up with a reason or excuse to go away on your own for a couple of days. Visiting an old friend from out of town like a high school buddy or something like that. Your man will see this as an incredible opportunity to blow his cheating wide open and 'party'.

  • A lot of people suggest putting hidden cameras in the bedroom during this opportunity. This may be effective to some extent. the only problem is, what if he doesn't bring the girl he is cheating with to your home?

  • A better solution is to have some sort of mobile phone spying or monitoring program installed on his cell phone. You could also set some sort of trap on the home phone as well. In case you never heard of it a cell phone spying program is a small application you download to his cell phone while he is in the shower or occupied in some other manner. It takes about three minutes to install, and from that moment on, you can see every single phone call and text message he makes and receives, including his exact physical position. You log onto the cell phone spying program members area anytime you want 24 hours a day seven days a week.

The reason for setting a trap by going away for a couple of days is his use of the mobile phone for his cheating and talking with the person he is cheating with will be accelerated during those few days. All that juicy activity will be picked up by you when you log in to the members area of the mobile phone spying application you are using. In case you are worried about the cost they are not too expensive. There are some expensive cell phones find programs that cost as much as $250-$350 for one year membership. but there are also a few good ones that only cost about $50 or $60

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