Tuesday, April 12, 2011

How to End an Affair With a Married Man

Realizing that your affair with a married man wasn't the answer to the problems in your marriage will leave you with many questions. The first being how to end an affair with a married man? The short answer is tell the other guy you had the affair with it is over and don't look back.

Just text the other guy and let him know it is over because you want to recommit to your marriage. Also ask him not to contact you anymore. Be careful though because it is normal in how to end an affair that you will still feel the urge to contact him after. This is usually withdrawals from that relationship (being use to him) but remember you are trying to recommit to your marriage.

The next question is how to tell your husband you cheated on him. This is still part of how to end an affair with a married man. No real simple answer there. You betrayed his trust and are about to shake-up his world. Being sincere and gentle with what you say will be your best bet but here are some suggestions for how to go about it.

1. Telling your husband is part of how to end an affair also. You want to be alone with your husband so go somewhere away from everyone and everything. If you have kids get an adult to stay with them. You don't want to be interrupted when you tell you husband you cheated on him.

2. Being gentle explain the affair to your husband. You don't have to give explicit details but explain to him how you felt when the affair started and how it made you feel towards the end. Do this when you are both sitting down.

3. Apologize unconditionally meaning promise to abide by whatever he says. Let him know what you have done to make sure it won't happen again.

4. Give it a few days so your husband can cool off and think about it. Then see about salvaging your relationship with your husband. Suggest seeking counseling for you both to help him see how serious you are.

That is only part of how to end an affair with a married man. There are still other things to consider because not everyone is going to act the same. Doing things in a certain sequence might work for some but not others. It is just something you have to try and hope it works out for you.


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