Tuesday, April 12, 2011

How to End an Affair - The Top 4 Rules to Follow If You Want to Stop Cheating and Save Your Marriage

Most times, trying to end an affair is much like trying to quit drugs. That amazing "high" the affair has brought to your life is very hard to let go of. But, just like with drugs, when you get it out of your system, you will feel better than ever. Here you will find the top 4 important rules to follow - If you want to end an affair the right way.

Remember, this is a recovery process and it will take some time. The end result is worth it - You will most likely succeed in saving your marriage or relationship - and even achieving a better relationship than ever.

It could feel very difficult for you to end the affair because you became attached to this new person in your life. You could be concerned about his or her reaction for this decision and maybe you already tried to end an affair but you feel you have to help him or her overcome their distress. In any of these cases, there are 6 critical rules you must follow if you REALLY want to end an affair and rebuild your relationship and your life.

How to End an Affair - The 4 Most Important Rules to Follow

Rule #1 - No Face to Face Meeting

The first thing to do is NOT end the affair by meeting face to face. This never turns out well. Most times you will be persuaded to have sex just one more time, making it more difficult for you to end the affair right now. There are other options: a letter, an e-mail, a phone call, or just not contacting them again at all.

Rule #2 - Invite Your Partner

The best way to try and rebuild the honesty and trust to your relationship - is ending the affair WITH your partner witnessing it. Invite him or her to be next to you when you do it - even if it's a difficult situation.

Rule #3 - Not Too Friendly

The tone of this final contact, whether it's in a letter, e-mail or phone call - should be business-like, not friendly. It sounds harsh, but you have to make sure he, or her, understands that you are serious and this is your final decision, so your tone is very important. Don't end your letter with "love", for example.

Rule #4 - The Decision is Permanent

Your lover should understand that your decision is permanent. You can't tell them you "are trying to save your marriage", or that this is what will happen "for now". You must tell her, or him, that you have decided to save your relationship and they must not ever contact you again. Though it's hurtful, in the long run this is better for both and him or her. Leave no doubts on the table.

Unfortunately, I have learned from my own personal experience that this is the ONLY way to end an affair the right way.


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