Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Is There More Than Just a Physical Affair?

A physical affair, based on sexual stimulation and satisfaction, is one form of unfaithful relationship with another person outside your primary relationship. Let's have a look at the implications this might have.


A physical affair contains intimate physical connection with someone other than your spouse or partner, which can include any form of kissing, caressing, touching, oral sex and intercourse.

When is it cheating?

Any kind of affair, physical or emotional, is considered cheating on your partner. It is harmful on many different levels and affects the relationship even it is apparently is keep a 'secret'. Many people can tell something is going on because their partner's emotional attention is diverted to someone else.

'It's just sex' is not an excuse for your actions. It might explain the depth or shallowness of your connection but it still means that you haven't been honest with your partner and therefore turned away from your original commitment to the relationship.

More than a physical affair

As mentioned above there are obviously different levels of connection that you can have with another person and they don't just depend on the level of physical intimacy you shared. An emotional affair, where two people share their thoughts and emotions, can be much deeper than a sexual encounter.

You need to ask yourself what it is that you share with the other person. The more and the more in depth you share, the more plans for being together and leaving your spouse, the more time and intimate moments (either by sharing your thoughts and emotions or sexually) you share the deeper the affair has already gone.

Reasons for an affair

There is a trail of reasons in the primary relationship, looking back over a time frame of 12 to 18 months that lead to one partner searching other fulfillment. Both partners share a part of the responsibility, even though the blame usually goes to the cheater. There are many reasons for infidelity, and the sad fact is that at the time of the first encounter there is usually no or not much consideration of the effect on the primary relationship, including the family. The thrill of the moment overshadows the devastation it will create on the people involved.


Yes, there is more than 'just a physical affair' but this doesn't mean that it makes a sexual affair easier to deal with. Depending on your agreement as a couple it might be 'accepted' but in general still leaves marks on the health of the relationship and the self-esteem of the cheated partner.


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