Tuesday, April 19, 2011

How to Deal With the Haunting Images After an Affair

If your husband or boyfriend cheated on you, one of the most difficult things to deal with is the stream of haunting images that flood your mind. No matter what you do you just can't seem to focus on anything else throughout the day besides your husband and the other woman. It is enough to drive you mad and make you nearly unable to function through the day at work or with errands. I know the pain myself. There were several times when I just had to duck out of the office and go weep in the restroom for a few minutes and pull myself together again. What can you do to deal with these haunting images of your husband's affair?

Here is a simple and easy trick you can do pretty much anywhere and anytime you feel those images and horrible feeling creeping up. This is called the Emotional Freedom Technique and once you learn it, it only takes about a few minutes to do. All you need to do is find a quiet and private place to do this (it does look a bit strange, so other people may be confused to see you doing it).

First, feel the unpleasant emotions that you want to get rid of. Then all you need to do is tap with your fingers a series of specific pressure points on your face and chest. Then do what is called the 9 gamut procedure. This is a simple procedure that involves eye rotations, counting, and humming. Okay, so if you've gotten this far, you're probably thinking that I must be crazy for suggesting this. I understand, but let me explain exactly how all this works.

The Emotional Freedom Technique is based on Traditional Chinese Medicine with says that there are various energy meridians and chakras throughout your body through which energy and emotions flow. The practice of acupuncture is one way to stimulate these energy flows, but Emotional Freedom Technique is another way. Basically it is impossible to know exactly which energy meridian is responsible for all the stored up emotions without having a thorough background in TCM. That's okay though. What you are doing by tapping all of the specific points on your face and chest is doing a full system reset. You are pushing all the negative energy through your energy meridians and allowing it to flow properly.

Then the 9 gamut is a sort of way to scramble to hold that the emotion has on you. By rolling your eyes, humming a song, and counting, you are putting a wide array of sensory input into your system, which helps to undo the hold that all those images have on you. So, although it may sound a bit strange, go ahead and try using the Emotional Freedom Technique to get rid of those unhealthy and haunting images and feelings that tend to swarm your mind when you learn that your husband or boyfriend is having an affair. The only thing you have to lose is those images that seem to drive you to the brink of insanity.


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