Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Why Did She Have an Affair?

If you experience infidelity in marriage, the wound to your heart feels like it will never heal. If you love your wife and discover she's had an affair it's torture. You ask yourself over and over:

Why did she have an affair?

You imagine that if you just knew why, you wouldn't hurt so bad. It's understandable that you to know why - it's a human desire.

But very often there is no rational answer, and expecting one (and not finding it) begins to keep you stuck feeling hurt. In fact, some men never fully recover and ask why for the rest of their lives.

What's more important than knowing why this: Making a decision you will do everything you can to get your marriage back on track. Is that a decision that you can get behind 100%?

I hope so, because your commitment to move forward is very powerful - and puts you back in control (whereas staying obsessed about why it happened keeps you powerless). In making the decision to rescue your marriage, there is one very important fact you must remember: Just because your wife has had an affair (even more than one) does not mean your marriage is over. In fact, statistics show that 60 percent of husbands and 50 percent of wives cheat at some point in their marriage.

You are not alone in being cheated on - and you don't have to give up on your marriage.

How to overcome infidelity in marriage

To overcome infidelity bring more honest, loving communication into your marriage. Let's face it: couples who love each other and have a strong marriage don't have affairs.

An affair is a sign there's weakness in the relationship, and if you truly have decided to commit to rescuing your marriage, you must be willing to communicate about what's needed to repair it. It's not at all easy to begin to talk about the matters have been secret in your relationship.

You may hear things about yourself and your wife you'd really rather not know. And there are no guarantees of success. What you really need in these situations is information and support to give you the best possible odds to rescue your relationship. It takes more than a strategy or two to repair infidelity in marriage - you have to have a guide. Now there's a free guide that gives you the knowledge and confidence you need.

Ultimately you have a choice to make, too, just as any unfaithful partner does -- whether that's you or someone else -- you have to decide if you want to work it out or end it. I had to make this choice, too, and for me it was an easy one -- I wanted it to work, so I put in the time and effort to make it work.

And I'm glad I did -- because Angela, my wife, and I have been through this ourselves... and yet are now happier than ever.


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